
Students receive an overview of many research skills, gain exposure to both researching practice and knowledge mobilization event(s), and benefit from being part of the largest interdisciplinary student research group on campus.

Position Requirements

The Student Research Team (SRT) will provide members with a generalized research skill set that is applicable to any discipline. As a member gains an increased aptitude for research, there will be opportunities for apprentices to move into positions of practice and mentorship. Apprentices will be required to attend a minimum of eight skill development workshops organized through the Office of Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity (or other approved events). Further, they will need to demonstrate exposure to a research project and a knowledge mobilization event.

Sign-up Directions

An Apprentice must complete a minimum of 16 hours of participation (over 1-3 semesters).

  • Eight hours will be attending skill development workshops. The workshops are generally one hour each.
  • Four hours will be dedicated to gaining exposure to a research project.
  • Four hours will be dedicated to attending a knowledge mobilization event.

Optional skill development workshops will include the following:

  • What is research and what can I do with it?
  • An intro to conferences
  • Poster making
  • Presentations (longer style)
  • Presentations (shorter style)
  • Short videos
  • Funding (undergrad focus)
  • Funding (grad focus)
  • Applying to grad school and writing the GRE
  • Community Engagement – Best Practices
  • Knowledge Mobilization – there’s more to it than academic journals and conferences
  • Being an ethical researcher
  • Indigenous research methodologies
  • Publishing (Including VIURRSpace)
  • Zotero – What the heck is that? (It’s actually a pretty cool (FREE) citation software)
  • Deciphering the language of universities
  • What is an SSHRC CGS D at UBCO supervised by an associate prof anyway?

Other activities approved by the Student Research Team Coordinator:

  • Exposure to a research project can include - (a list of opportunities will be available):
    • Observing research in action
    • Volunteering with a research project
    • Participating in a research project
  • Engagement with a Knowledge Mobilization event can include (a list of opportunities will be available):
    • Attending an event (e.g. research talks on campus)
    • Volunteering at an event (e.g. a department symposium)
    • Participating in an event (e.g. CREATE 2020)

In addition, there will be one social event per semester organized by the Coordinator to provide for greater cross-campus and interdisciplinary connections between team members. A couple of faculty researchers will present ‘TED Talk’ style presentations. This social event is part of the ‘exposure to research’ activities.

Kendra Stiwich, VIU’s Student Research Engagement Coordinator is the Student Research Team Coordinator.

Interested students need to contact Kendra for more information or to sign up. Each student team member will be part of a database designed to track students’ progress and activities.