Smiling Adult Learners

Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students in Distress + Supporting Life: Suicide Awareness Workshop - Two hour Combo!

Faculty Workshop

Student life is a period of unique change filled with many challenges. As a member of the VIU community you have the opportunity to support students who may be struggling with issues that affect their academic performance and well-being.

Have you ever noticed signs of distress in students and wondered what to do? Have you ever been in a situation where you have had to deal with a student who was very distressed? Have you ever received an alarming email or had students express thoughts of self-harm or suicide? In this workshop you will learn to recognized signs of distress, respond effectively and refer students to appropriate resources.

This is an opportunity to gain confidence in dealing with difficult situations before they arise. 

The Counselling department welcomes invitations to your department to facilitate this powerful workshop. Two Hours.

Contact Counselling Services @ 250.740.6416 to chat about bringing this workshop to your area.

Can't attend a synchronous or in-person workshop? Asynchronous Capacity to Connect is now available!