Welcome! Thank you for joining us here! Through this asynchronous workshop, we invite you to expand and build your capacity to connect with and support our students.
Student life is a period of unique change filled with challenging events. As a member of the VIU community, you will have opportunities to identify and support students who are struggling with challenges and accompanying distress that affects their ability to enjoy and succeed at VIU.
In this training you will learn to recognize signs of distress, to respond effectively and empathically, and to refer students to appropriate resources. Our goal is to increase your confidence in responding to students in distress when you find yourself in these situations.
Working through the videos and associated reflections will take approximately one hour in total, and you can learn bit by bit as time allows.
Here is what you can expect:
Part 1 will introduce you to the workshop, goals for learning, and scenario (~8 mins).
Part 2 addresses signs of distress that can help us recognize students who may need some support (~12 mins).
Part 3 addresses how we can respond to students in distress in a supportive, empathic way while acknowledging our boundaries (~10 mins).
Part 4 addresses some specifics around suicide, including the challenging questions "Should I ask about suicide?" and "What do I do next"? (~13 mins)
Part 5 discusses opportunities to consult and to refer students for further support at VIU and in the community (~11 mins).
Part 6 provides an opportunity to review the scenario to see how your response can be informed by your new knowledge! This will conclude the workshop (~8 mins).
Work through these videos at your own pace, and be sure to pause and consider your experience in relation to the content. Please keep an eye on opportunities to connect with the Counselling Team and your colleagues to debrief, discuss any questions, comments, or scenarios that you'd like to address. The discussion amongst VIU Community Members are very rich, supportive, and... you guessed it... connecting!
Next dates for virtual discussion with VIU Counsellors about supporting students in distress:
Sept 14 10-11am
Join through InVIU or email us directly to book a time for a discussion session!
Thank you for your care and commitment to a thriving and well VIU Community. Please touch base with any VIU Counsellor (250.740.6416) if you would like to discuss questions or concerns.
Enjoy your learning!