
VIU has a duty to accommodate students with documented disabilities when the disability results in a functional limitation that impacts a student's ability to access his/her educational program. Policy 32.02 Students with a Documented Disability.

For a quick overview of working with Accessibility Services, download our What Instructors Need to Know PowerPoint:

To reduce the need for individual accommodation, please consider your course design from a Universal Design for Learning perspective to maximize access for all types of learners. 

See the Menu for further instructor information.

Accommodating Your Students

Instructors can expect to receive "Accommodation Letters" from students. These students have provided Accessibility Services with documentation of a disability, and met with an Access Specialist to determine reasonable accommodations. 

  •  An accommodation is an adjustment in teaching, learning, or evaluation processes that removes or reduces disability-related barriers. Accommodations improve access to the opportunity to learn; they do not guaranty success. Accommodations are determined individually for each student and are linked to the disability-related functional limitations (barriers) identified in the student's documentation.
  •  Accommodations do not lower academic standards. All students must meet the required learning outcomes for their courses, with or without accommodation.
  • Please do not ask students about their diagnosis. This is confidential information.
  • Please do not identify a student as a "student with a disability" in front of the class.
  • Please contact if you have any questions about a student's accommodations, or if you feel they impact your required learning outcomes.