Updated AES Office Hours

The AES Office is open between 8:00am and 3:30pm. 

Accommodated exams can be scheduled outside of these hours, as usual. 

At least 7-days' notice is required for accommodated exams ending after 4:00pm.

Update: New exam return guidelines!

Note: We no longer have the capacity to scan and email exams during Final exams. During that time, you will have to specify either "Instructor pick-up" or "Intercampus mail" for Exam Return. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Return options are:

  • instructor pick up;
  • inter-office or inter-campus mail.

Some Faculties are offering support for exam return via a designated staff member coming to collect exams on instructors' behalf. Check with your Dean or Chair if this is an option for you.

Check your students' accommodated exam requests online


Some students will have their letters ready at the beginning of term. Some students may present their letters later. Some students may not feel comfortable discussing their accommodation details. This is fine. Sharing the letter is sufficient.

Can you provide the extra time through VIU Learn? Are the exams take-home?  Or would your student prefer to make a request to write in our exam centre (B255 R115)? 

If your student plans to write in our exam centre, they need to request their accommodated exam at least 7 days in advance. Late requests are evaluated on a case by case basis and may not be possible.

If your students don't know where to go to book their exams, follow this booking link below.

Be aware that accommodated exam requests must be submitted by students to Assessment and Exam Services at least 7 days in advance of the exam date. If you plan to give pop quizzes, please take this deadline into consideration for your students with exam accommodations. 

Note: Firm deadlines for Finals are November 20 and March 20.

The online system will generate reminder emails with links for you to follow to respond to your students’ accommodated exam requests.  Pease ignore if you have already completed the action.

Word and PDF docs are preferred for adapting to supportive software or formatting requirements.

Please check if your student has a text-to-speech accommodation, which will require a digital copy of the test.

If your exam is to be held on VIU Learn, please let us know so we can ensure that the student has access to a computer with a network connection. Extra time will needed to be added by you before the test.

Email soft copies of test materials to accommodatedexams@viu.ca.

Here are some resources to help you with design accessible materials:

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Power Point

Online/LMS (i.e. D2L, VIU Learn)

Exam Details 

Students will initiate an online request for you to complete and approve.  Please provide us with the exam details (class start time, test duration (not including extra time), permitted materials, pick up and drop off preferences, etc.) as soon as possible to facilitate planning and preparation.

If the test is to be held on VIULearn, please let us know!

Alternate Times 

Students may require alternate exam times/dates due to scheduling conflicts or other reasons relating to their disability.  Please discuss alt-times that are acceptable to both of you before the student makes the request. 

Exam Return

You can select how you would like the completed exam returned to you. 

Return options

  • instructor pick up
  • inter-office mail

Some faculties are initiating exam pick-ups by administrative staff on behalf instructors. Ask your Dean or Chair if this is an option for your area.

map from B200 to B255

We moved!

Accommodated exams have moved to building 255 (the International Education building). Our office is in room 115 and our exam room is in room 110. 

Exam Drop Off and Pick Up Information

Our location

You can drop off or pick up completed accommodated exams at our exam centre in Building 255 (R115) or email digital versions to accommodatedexams@viu.ca.  

If your exam is on VIU Learn, please let us know!

  • We will need to arrange computer space for your students;
  • We may need to set up different reader software.
  • Extra time will need to be added at the instructor's end- check your students' accommodation letters for details.

You can add this information to the online form's text box or just email us directly at accommodatedexams@viu.ca 

Find Us

Building 255, Room 115

Hours of Operation

The AES exam centre office is open between 8am – 3:30pm, Mon-Fri.

We can schedule accommodated exam requests outside these hours with advance notice. All exam invigilation requests must be made at least a week in advance

Contact us

Email: accommodatedexams@viu.ca  

Tel: 250-740-6276