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Working with the Universal Access Committee to improve physical access on campus

Position Requirements

This position is for two students in each of the Fall and Spring semesters. Students will be assisting in researching the challenges and benefits of providing universal access in post-secondary settings, particularly as it relates to people with visible and invisible disabilities. The specific tasks will take into account the student’s interests and skill sets, and will be drawn from the following: 1) assisting in identifying funding sources for upgrading disability access; 2) writing funding grants; 3) researching principles of universal access and their application to post-secondary settings; 4) exploring VIU’s campus accessibility from the student perspective; 5) researching disability policy and practices at institutions similar to VIUa; 6) identifying approaches to universal access adopted by other institutions in provinces and countries with legislation relating to access (Ontario, United States, parts of Europe); 7) help to organize focus groups to gather information about the VIU community’s concerns about access; 8) assist in analyzing focus group data.

Sign-up Directions

 This position is ideal for any student that is interested in social justice, universal design principles, and disability access to the built environment. It is ideal for students in the social sciences and humanities, and may appeal especially to those who study interior design, planning, the built environment, education, justice issues. Successful applicants will be self-starters and able to work without intensive supervision. Students are expected to be proficient with Word and formatting documents, have (or be willing to learn) computer search skills, and are good writers, or open to improving their writing.Applicants need to have excellent inter-personal skills and be willing to work with VIU students and employees from different departments. In person meetings with the supervisor will need to take place one of Tuesday/Thursdays between 1 and 4 pm, or Fridays between 1 and 2:30 pm, so availability during one of these times is essential.For more information, please contact linda.derksen@viu.ca.