Position Overview

Open to all students who consider the Parksville/Qualicum campus their main campus.

There is a Parksville-Qualicum Proud Award. Parksville-Qualicum campus students will be invited to apply for this award.

Graduate Attributes Associated

Students in this position will gain skills in active learning, foundations for lifelong learning, indigenous perspective, and local knowledge in a global context.

Position Requirements

    • At registration, the registrant indicates their main campus.
      The student must submit a 300-word personal reflective essay about how attending the Parksville-Qualicum campus has benefited their education. They need to specifically reflect on three of the Graduate Attributes associated with this position.

Sign Up Directions

For more information please contact Kendra Stiwich, Student Research Engagement Coordinator, Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity Office at Kendra.Stiwich@viu.ca