Business Students Association - Creative Director


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The Creative Director was the coordinator who developed attractive and informative posters as well as visual aids associated with the BSA.

Position Overview

The Business Students’ Association at Vancouver Island University is dedicated to providing business students with opportunities and experiences outside of the classroom in order to develop a network of professional, passionate, and community-focused leaders who are not afraid to continually incorporate the art of fun.

The Creative Director is the coordinator of developing attractive and informative posters as well as visual aids associated with the BSA. This role designs the visual content for social media posts and also leads the design for posters from the BSA around campus. Responsibilities include implementing traditional marketing through creating posters for all events and workshops and following protocol from the Students' Union regarding marketing and placement of material around campus. Also included in this role is working alongside the VP of Marketing to ensure digital media is handled properly.

Position Requirements

  • Minimum time commitment for this position is three hours a week.

Graduate Attributes Associated

Students in this position will gain skills in active learning, collaboration, creative thinking, foundations for lifelong learning, and information literacies.

Sign-up Directions

Candidates are selected by an application process. The recruitment process commences in early March for Directors. Please contact for details.